Top 100: ThinkOutsideTheBox

1 Wenn der Geschäftsalltag ein Film wäre, welchen Charakter oder Rolle würdest du spielen?Creativity ThinkOutsideTheBox Selbstreflexion DeepTalk 0.28
2 Beschreibe deinen heutigen Gefühlszustand mit einem Gegenstand in diesem Raum.Feeling ThinkOutsideTheBox 0.20
3🔼Erklären Sie einem Blinden die Farbe Rot.ThinkOutsideTheBox 0.17
4 Wie viel Wein wird täglich in Italien getrunken?Bewerbung Kreativität Wein Kreativität ThinkOutsideTheBox 0.17
5 What is the animal you most identify with?Bewerbung ThinkOutsideTheBox DeepTalk 0.17
6🔼Wie viele Kalorien gibt es in einem Supermarkt?Bewerbung Creativity ThinkOutsideTheBox 0.14
7🔼If a movie was made about your career, what would it be called and who would play your character?ThinkOutsideTheBox DeepTalk Career Karriere 0.14
8🔼How would you design a new Siri?Product Development Bewerbung ThinkOutsideTheBox 0.14
9 Was würde ihre Mutter sagen, warum Sie bei uns arbeiten wollen?Selbstreflexion ThinkOutsideTheBox 0.10
10 If you were the size of an ant and put in a blender, how would you get out?Bewerbung ThinkOutsideTheBox 0.10
11 Wie soll der Titel deiner Memoiren lauten?ThinkOutsideTheBox DeepTalk Career Karriere 0.10
12 How would you design a supermarket for old people?Product Development Bewerbung ThinkOutsideTheBox 0.10
13 Design a voice assistant product for kids.Product Development Bewerbung ThinkOutsideTheBox 0.10
14 Do you think we should buy the company XY? Why or why not?Strategy Bewerbung ThinkOutsideTheBox 0.10
15 What's your favorite restaurant? How much would they make in a year?Strategy Bewerbung ThinkOutsideTheBox 0.10
16 How many mobile phones are there in the world?Bewerbung ThinkOutsideTheBox 0.10
17 How would you explain cloud computing to your grandmother?Bewerbung ThinkOutsideTheBox 0.10
18🔼Imagine you were asked to design a "trending photos" feature. How would you go about it?Bewerbung ThinkOutsideTheBox 0.10
19 Write a program for monitoring a patient's heartbeat and calculating the average over the last ten detections.Bewerbung ThinkOutsideTheBox 0.10
20 Nennen Sie sieben Dinge, die man mit einer Büroklammer machen kann.Creativity ThinkOutsideTheBox Bewerbung n/a
21 Wie viel Espresso wird täglich in Rom getrunken?DeepTalk Bewerbung Coffee Kreativität ThinkOutsideTheBox n/a
22 How would you improve Outlook for the use case when people get overwhelmed by the number of emails received after returning from a vacation?Product Development Bewerbung ThinkOutsideTheBox n/a
23 Suppose you were to create an automated pizza delivery service. How would you estimate the number of bots you need to deliver pizzas within your locale? Strategy Bewerbung ThinkOutsideTheBox n/a
24 How many balls does it take to fill a 16x16 ft room?Bewerbung ThinkOutsideTheBox n/a
25 How many people use Excel now?Bewerbung ThinkOutsideTheBox n/a
26 What happens when you enter a URL in your browser?Bewerbung ThinkOutsideTheBox n/a
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