Top 100: Strategy

1🔼How can an IT Strategy support/boost Intrapreneurship in a Company?IT Strategy Intrapreneurship 0.45
2 Was gehört für Sie zu… einer erfolgreichen IT Strategie?IT Strategy Strategie 0.20
3 Wie können wir "die" richtige Innovationsstrategie finden?Strategy Innovation 0.14
4 Imagine you're the CEO of our company — what product would you eliminate from the lineup?Strategy Bewerbung 0.14
5 Innovative Solutions: How to Utilize Emerging Technologies to Drive Business Success?Innovation Technology Strategy Future 0.14
6 Welche Höhen und Tiefen werden normalerweise in der Produktentwicklung durchlaufen und welche Strategien gibt es, damit umzugehen?Strategy Product ProductOwner Produktentwicklung 0.10
7 Soll man Legacy-Systeme rigoros loswerden?IT Strategy Strategie 0.10
8 Do you think we should buy the company XY? Why or why not?Strategy Bewerbung ThinkOutsideTheBox 0.10
9 How do you see the "creator economy" evolving over the next ten years? Strategy Bewerbung Trends 0.10
10 "Our product" is a free product to save, share notes, etc. How would you make it a subscription product and monetize it?Strategy Bewerbung 0.10
11 What's your favorite restaurant? How much would they make in a year?Strategy Bewerbung ThinkOutsideTheBox 0.10
12 Was ist die beste Variante punkto SaaS-Strategie & -Pricing für unsere Lösung?SaaS Strategy Pricing n/a
13 Was sind Herausforderungen/Risiken eines Mainframes?IT Strategy Strategie n/a
14 Suppose you were to create an automated pizza delivery service. How would you estimate the number of bots you need to deliver pizzas within your locale? Strategy Bewerbung ThinkOutsideTheBox n/a
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